
KCG December Committee Meeting

Two meetings have recently been held with officers of the UHB Foundation Hospital Trust. They accepted a range of suggestions for improving their community involvement, and will be arranging biannual consultation meetings with us and other representative groups, in addition to the normal ad-hoc consultation on specific issues. On the matter of reinstating rights of way once work on the Heart Institute has finished, we have urged the Trust to look again at their proposals for the woodland path, particularly how to arrange easy access for prams at both ends. We want the right of way down Bedford Place steps to be reinstated, and, if possible, an alternative path created for people walking towards the bottom of Horfield Rd.

A draft KCG response is being prepared to the University’s plans for the Biological Sciences and Maths buildings (please contacts us if you would like to see this).

After sustained pressure on the Council they have finally obtained agreement from the owner of a house in Kingsdown Parade to reverse its illegal conversion into flats. Other enforcement matters are still working their way through the Council mills (though none of them at the speed proudly set out in the City’s Enforcement Policy).

We have now paid the City for an appropriate box lantern to be installed at the bottom of Spring Hill, and have taken up with officers our wish to see similar ones in Alfred Hill as part of the improvements funded through the hospital development.

We have hitherto not taken a position on whether there should be a Residents’ Parking Scheme, but now that it is going to happen, we agreed that it will be important to be involved in the detailed plans for the area.

We have agreed to work with the Parks Dept to plant a wildlife hedge on Montague Green. A new planning application for the site of the Jester has been submitted but details were not yet available on the Council website. We will try to register Montague Green as not suitable for development, in response to the Council’s current trawl for sites that are suitable.

The next meeting is on Weds 21st January, 8pm, at 73, Kingsdown Parade. KCG members should contact se*******@di*******.net or telephone one of the committee if there are any items they would like to be discussed.


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