NAME The name of the society shall be “The Kingsdown Conservation Group”.
- To enhance the area of Kingsdown designated a “conservation area” on 19 June 1973 in accordance with the proposals put forward in the 1967 Civic Amenities Act and the Town and Country Amenities Act 1974
- To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in Kingsdown.
- To stimulate public interest in, and to care for, the beauty, history and character of Kingsdown and its surroundings.
MEMBERSHIP shall be open to all who are interested in the aims
of the Group. Membership shall be due on 1st January and if the subscription is unpaid 6 months after it is due membership will lapse.
SUBSCRIPTIONS shall be a minimum of 50p per year, subject to annual review. [NB: It is now – June 2007 – £5]
MEETINGS An Annual General Meeting shall be held in or about January of each year to receive the Committee’s report and audited accounts, and to elect members of the Committee and the Officers. The Committee shall decide when ordinary meetings of the Group shall be held and shall give at least 7 days’ notice of such meetings. Special General meetings shall be held at the written request of 10 or more members; such requests must be submitted to the Chairman at least 7 days before the meeting. Twenty members personally present shall constitute a quorum for a Special General Meeting.
OFFICERS shall be members of the Group and resident within the conservation area, although the Chairman may, exceptionally, approve the appointment of members who live outside the conservation area.
Nominations for the election of officers shall be made at least seven days before the AGM to the secretary. Such nominations shall be in writing supported by a seconder, and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained. Both proposer and seconder must be members of the Group.
The election of officers shall be completed prior to the election of further committee members. The officers shall consist of: Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
COMMITTEE The committee shall consist of the officers and not more than thirteen other members or less than six, ail of whom shall be resident within the conservation area, although the Chairman may, exceptionally, approve the appointment of members who live outside the conservation area.
The committee shall have the power to co-opt further members, who shall attend in an advisory and non-voting capacity only. Nominations for election to the committee shall be made at or before the AGM. They must be in writing, made to the Secretary, Supported by a seconder, and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained. Both proposer and seconder must be members of the Group. If the nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot shall take place and the Chairman shall declare the result.
The committee shall be responsible for running the affairs of the Group, and may make decisions on its behalf. A quorum for meetings of the committee shall be six, or exceptionally at the discretion of the Chairman, four.
Appeals: the committee shall have power to make appeals, solicit donations and canvass monies for the carrying out of the aims of the Group.
Expenses and Administration: the committee, out of the monies received by the Group, shall pay ail proper expenses of administration and management of the Group and shall use the residue of such monies as it thinks fit for or towards the aims of the Group.
Investment: all monies at any time belonging to the Group and not required for immediate application for its aims may be invested by the committee in securities in which trust money may, by law, be invested, with power from time to time to transpose such investment.
Borrowing: the committee may borrow for the interests of the Group such monies at such a rate of interest and in such a manner as it thinks fit.
Winding up: in the event of winding up the Group, the available funds of the Group shall be transferred to such one or more charitable bodies having aims similar or reasonably similar to those herein before declared as may be chosen by the committee and approved by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales.
Adopted February 1980