Books about Kingsdown

There are several book that have been written about or feature Kingsdown. The list below contains the ones we know about. Click on an individual title for more information on each.


2 comments on “Books about Kingsdown”

Just read the brief history of Kingsdown and that you have written a book about the area, is the book available in Australia please?
We lived at 78 Kingsdown Parade in the 40’s and 50’s.
There was a fire and a lot of the premises was badly damaged, in the ground floor flat they found a large double door hidden behind the dividing wall when repairs were being carried out.
We rented the top floor flat which was haunted.
best regards
Marina Harper ( NSW Australia )

Hi Marina

That is really interesting to hear. I currently live at 78 Kingsdown Parade in the first floor flat. I’d love to see what it looked like back through time and it’s also interesting to hear that the top floor flat is haunted!


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