Here’s an extract from the latest HomeGrown newsletter. If you want to join the HomeGrown email group, then just send an email to
The preparations for this year’s HomeGrown (on September 11th) start on Saturday 17th April with another ‘Bee Day’
This is an afternoon organised by Sue and Nick Miller and Helen Phillips to promote bee keeping in Kingsdown. Nick will be explaining their new wall hung bee hive and we hope to have talks by other urban beekeepers. If you are not interested in having a hive, then you might like to grow wonderful and colourful annuals for a nectar supply for your local bees. Seeds will be on sale. There will also be plenty of information on what to do to encourage birds, bees and butterflies into our gardens. Ninetree Cider will be there and we hope to set up a fruit tree survey of Kingsdown.
To help Homegrown, there will be vegetable seeds, pots and compost to start you off on this year’s vegetable growing. Come and start Growing. All ages – but especially children. We hope to have a supplier of very trendy and colourful raised beds and garden ware for sale too.