50 Kingsdowners created quite a buzz at St Matthew’s Church last Saturday when they went along to hear Bristol bee expert David Maslen talk about the Secret Life of the Honeybee. We looked at real live bees (safely behind glass), learned dozens of fascinating facts, and licked our lips at the delicious honey on sale before digging in to the home-made cakes and other honey specialities.
Did you know that the Queen only has three weeks to mate, but then she produces more than her own weight of eggs every day? Or that a hive can have up to 40,000 bees all working together to find pollen, produce honey and look after the bee babies?
Several local residents say they have been inspired to plant ‘bee-friendly’ varieties in their garden, and one or two hope to start their own hives. Next year maybe we’ll be buying Pure Kingsdown Honey?
Thanks to Helen and colleagues in Kingsdown Homegrown for organising, to David for his excellent talk, and to all those who made the fabulous cakes, which included: elderflower, rose and lavender cupcakes; fruit loaf; apple, poppy seed and honey cakes. Well done Kingsdown cake makers. Thank you also to Vicky at St Matthews Church and Chris Townsend for all their help.
This was not held as a profit making event but £50 was made to be added to the Kingsdown Fund and September’s Homegrown Day.