
Committee Meeting March 30 2006

Former Johnsons’ Shop: We will carry on pressing the Council to secure the measures set out in the Case Officer’s letter.

Website: Peter Ferne has set up a new ‘blog’ format. TK to transfer content from the old site and set up a ‘Yahoo’ group for internal use.

AGM: Around 40 people attended, no doubt prompted by Naomi’s excellent flyer. Mary Wright’s talk on Stokes’ Croft had been very well received.

We still need to communicate more actively with members and residents; two new noticeboard sites are to be investigated, as well as a drive to increase our membership (currently 105) and consult on current key issues

25 Kingsdown Parade: Application 06/00457/F/C: to build a new house in the garden. There should also have been a listed building application. Agreed to object as the application conflicts with the Kingsdown Conservation Area Enhancement Statement (part of the Bristol Local Plan) “Traditional gardens and their means of enclosure are an integral part of the special character of this Conservation Area. Further loss will be discouraged … .” The proposed design also raised several other problems.

Kingsdown Wine Vaults: A resident had complained to the City Council Noise Control unit, who had identified excessive noise and was taking action.

15 Kingsdown Parade: in poor repair and apparently in danger of partial collapse. Various options for future action were considered.

70 Kingsdown Parade
: Seems to have been divided into flats without appropriate consents. To be pursued with City Council.

NT has a KCG archive at Alfred Harris. Dr Skuse has the late Amy Geaney’s file. MW would chase up the latter. Evidently John Betjeman had written a letter of support or comment to The Times; what is known of it?

UBHT: We looked at the plans for Cardiothoracic Centre and decided not to comment. UBHT does not intend to fell trees off Marlborough Hill, but concerns have already been put forward by local residents and the situation will need watching. The proposal to close Alfred Hill to traffic will cause difficulties and the committee would support a proposal for continued vehicular access to Marlborough Hill via Alfred Hill.

New applications: 06/01067/LA/C, 36 Somerset Street/12-14 Dove Street: The proposed demolition and reconstruction of the boundary wall. No comment to be made. 06/00974/F/C, 11 Cotham Road South: Revised roof and internal layout. No comment to be made.

Trees at Prior’s Hill Flats: The Council has acquired a red oak for planting. Other sites were also suggested, below where Spring Hill crosses Dove Street; and two members are to visit the site.

The missing lavender bushes on Montague Green should be replaced.

We also agreed to pursue the unsightly condition of City Council houses, and their forecourts, on the Parade.

Next meeting: Tuesday May 2nd 2006, 12B Kingsdown Parade. Items to Helen Phillips, secretary – 73 Kingsdown Parade – 942 2922


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