As you may already be aware, the KCG Committee decided not to oppose the helicopter pad application, mainly because we felt it was likely to be granted whatever we said and because there was clear support at the open meeting for the view that we should just live with it and it wouldn’t be as bad as some people were claiming.
However, the Council clearly feel that the application is not a simple straightforward one that can be decided by a planning officer, so it will be considered by the Development Control (Central) Committee at its meeting on Wednesday 5 November 2008.
The Council’s notification says: “The meeting will take place in a Committee Room in the Council House, starting at 2pm, although it is not possible to say when the case will be considered. From the Wednesday before the Committee date, a copy of the officer’s report and recommendation can be seen at:
• Planning Reception, Brunel House, St George’s Road
• Reception Area, The Council House, College Green
• The Council’s website Please select PublicAccess for Planning.
Copies can be obtained subject to the usual photocopying charges. From 48 hours before the start of the meeting, you will also be able to view the officer’s report and any appendices, from the Council’s website
You will also be able to view this committee live via a web cast transmission over the Internet. Please visit
We will not write to you again, however if you wish to find out what happened at the Committee meeting, you could telephone the above named Officer from mid-day on the day following the meeting.”
Anyone who wishes to attend and speak at such meetings is able to do so, but there are rules governing the procedure which can be found on the Council website or by telephoning the Planning Department.