Although it is a quiet time of year, there are still some issues that residents of Bristol might wish to be kept informed about. For citywide issues affecting us, you might like to sign up for Councillor Mark Wright’s Cabot eNews at :- ma*********@br*****.uk
Consultation on Bristol’s Parks. As you might know Bristol’s Parks department are to have their budget cut by 2/3 rds. and economies have to be made and income generated. The consultation for these plans are open until 29th January on this link The independent group, Bristol Parks Forum have their own analysis of the plans on their website
Trees, Green and Weedy. For those that would have a concern about the state of our green spaces, High Kingsdown have a Weeding Wednesday on January 24th and 31st. ( Meet 9.30 in the High Kingsdown Playground, all tools supplied ) They have kindly agreed to lend us their tools to use on the following Wednesday, February 7th. Anyone interested in weeding, maintaining or discussing our Green Spaces or pavements please meet at 10 o clock on Montague Green, with gloves.
Advance notice of the Great Bristol Spring Clean, March 2nd – 11th. Bristol Waste Company are loaning out litter picking kits. Contact them by emailing he***@br*****************.uk
Kingsdown Past and Present We will be hosting a presentation of KCG archive photos (as shown at our last AGM) at the Kingsdown Wine Vaults on Wednesday 21st February. 7pm onwards. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a jolly evening reminiscing and maybe meeting new neighbours. If you have any photos of any event or time in Kingsdown do bring them along!
Empire on Film Night. Ingrid Sinclair has curated a film night from the 2,000 or so films in Bristol Record’s Empire and Commonwealth collection. Home movies ( re-mastered) from far and wide in the British empire. Wonderful stuff. February 7th 6 – 8.30 at the City Museum. £10
1 comment on “Kingsdown January 2018”
Mark Wright has not been the Councillor for Kingsdown since May 2016. His e-news for his Hotwells and Harbourside ward still goes out to some people on his contacts list who live in Kingsdown.
Apart from my regular Focus newsletter, as a councillor for your area added to my patch I also send an e-news to residents who want to be kept informed. If you wish to join this list please contact me at cl****************@br*****.uk where you can also tell me of any local news or concerns. Thanks.