the Kingsdown Vaults will be holding a street party outside the pub on Saturday June 30th.
Andy Bridges wants to have stalls, games etc as well as music. If you would like to help or have ideas contact ki********************@gm***.com
Kingsdown Parking Zone changes. It is proposed that the restricted parking period be extended from the current 9 am to 5 pm to 7 pm and to extend this in future to include Saturday. For further details and the opportunity to comment, see https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/streets-travel/traffic-regulation-orders-tros
6 Kingsdown Parade (on the corner of Marlborough Hill and Kingsdown Parade) 18/01535/F – Proposal to demolish and build 3-bedroom house. The Group supports the application, with minor comments on aspects of its design.
12E Alfred Place 17/01805/H – Retrospective permission sought for an attic extension, built without planning permission. The group opposes the application.
The former launderette at 1 & 3 Cotham Road South – Appeal against Refusal of planning permission to convert shop to flats. The Group supports the Refusal; it would like to see a shop there.
BRI Old Hospital. Unite are consulting on revised, somewhat reduced, outline proposals (504 students instead of 715 and a medical school). S.C.Fripp’s Chapel is now listed Grade 2 and would be retained. What is thought to be the largest surviving Georgian building in Bristol, Thomas Paty’s Old Hospital Building itself would be entirely demolished. The Group favours the retention and reconfiguration of elements of the Old Hospital Building. Many hundreds of letters of objection opposed an earlier scheme involving demolition. There was one letter of support.
Proposed demolition of the Eugene Street flats and their replacement with an 8-storey Hospital Car Park. Planning application awaited.
If you like weeding…we will be attacking the goosegrass etc on Montague Green: Thursday 10th May 2pm.
3 comments on “Kingsdown news”
Referring to the proposals to demolish the Eugene Street flats in favour of car parking mentioned in your recent bulletin.
I do hope that KCG will oppose this development. There are ample grounds for doing so.
The present buildings are intrinsically of merit as examples of “Peabody Trust” type property. Properly maintained and with slight adaptions, they could continue to house people; in Bristol housing is needed, rather than cars. Such properties in London are expensive and now highly sought after and this is the best example we have in Bristol.
The introduction of yet more cars to one of the most highly polluted parts of the city is undesirable. The hospital has effectively turned its existing car parking at the Montague Hill/ Deighton St. junction into a public car park and no longer one exclusively for staff and patients. The car park off Montague Hill is the same. This has the effect of decanting their staff and visitor parking onto surrounding streets, the current mess on Horfield Road is an example. Current proposals for parking modifications contain an ominous line, which suggests that a quantity of street parking would be reserved for hospital staff.
The whole area abutting the route between Deighton Street and Kingsdown Parade via Marlborough Hill is a dangerous nightmare. Huge delivery trucks use the route to access hospital goods delivery points in the maintenance yard, King Edward Yard and whatever yard they have at the end of Kingsdown Parade. The turn into Montague Hill South is extremely dangerous, with too great a traffic volume and over large vehicles and is a peril for pedestrians. A generally bad situation is compounded by the frequency and size of delivery trucks to Tesco Metro.
The proposed car park would bring considerable traffic and attendant pollution in very close proximity to the small park and children’s play area adjacent to Carolina House. There are also now large numbers of children using this area in order to get to and from St. Michael’s Primary School and Cotham School.
The Health Trust will in its planning application make great promises regarding the aesthetic appearance of the building and screening to ameliorate any unsightly aspects. I am sorry to say that such assurances are not worth the paper on which they are written. Developments over the last twenty or so years (e.g. the Radio Pharmacy elevations along Marlborough Hill Place, the Oxygen Plant abutting Dove St. South and the Car Park on Marlborough Hill) amply demonstrate that promises to effectively screen unsightly installations, including parking are hollow and implausible at best they are perfunctory and implausible.
This proposal and is long mooted and, no doubt with its attendant signage, will further erode the character and pleasantness of Kingsdown.
Best wishes
Hugh Adams
Which one is Montague Green, is it the green at the Nine Tree Hill end of K’down Parade or the other end at top of Horfield Road? Should be able to help out with the weeding and hope weather not too bad although a bit of rain will probably help, not hinder…
Thanks for letting me know and really sorry I couldn’t make it to the KCG AGM, apparently I may have sciatica which gets ridiculously painful. I help my daughter with her shopping delivery on Wednesday afternoons but wish I had organised a taxi to get to the meeting as it’s not far from hers and I couldn’t do any walking. My leg has been a bit better the last few days and I am hoping it will clear up by itself which it can in 6 weeks or so, my fingers are crossed on it! I’ll check out the minutes attachment if you can send it, thanks.