KCG News


Mr Stafford, the owner of the laundrette in Cotham Road South, applied for  planning permission to change the use of the laundrette to residential. This was refused.  He is now appealing against this decision.

The Inspectorate have decided that this will be decided by them without a hearing.  Letters already written to the planning department will be forwarded to them, or you may send your views to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/19A, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting reference number APP/Z0116/A/06/2025278/NWF. Alternatively, you can submit your views on-line ( Any views must be submitted by 26 December 2006, and the Inspectorate must receive three copies of any letter.

The view of the committee is that it would be a serious loss to this row of shops if this very prominent shop were lost. 


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