
Minutes June 2018

Minutes of a Committee Meeting held on 6th June 2018 at 42 St Matthew’s Road

Present: Pauline Allen, Pat Harrad, Nick Kidwell, Andy King, Jeremy Newick (minutes), Nigel Tasker (chairman), David Winter

Apologies: Helen Phillips, Sue Paterson, Alastair Gambles

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st May 2018 were approved.

Matters arising: 

DW declared he had not responded on the Group’s behalf to Unite’s pre-application proposals for the redevelopment of the former BRI buildings between Marlborough Street, Whitson Street and Lower Maudlin Street.

AK would circulate the KCG response he submitted to the appeal against the refusal of 17/01973/F – 1 & 3 Cotham Road South – Proposed conversion of the existing shop to residential use.

17/06169/F – Tyndall Avenue – The application proposing closure to motor traffic had not been withdrawn but appeared to be in limbo.

NK and JN are to attend the University Community Forum on 12th June. AK suggested they raise, once again, the disfigurement of the streetscape caused by the present and chronic gap in the terrace of University buildings on the west side of St Michael’s Hill. Replacement buildings should be commissioned.

Agenda items:

Earlier this evening, Helen Phillips and a gathering of members had planted a Hawthorn tree in the Triangular Garden at The Back of Kingsdown Parade.

Planning applications:

18/01057/F – The Ark, St Matthew’s Road – DW would circulate a draft response to the proposal to fence-off an area of ground to form a garden approached via a new door.

18/02025/F – 6 Kingsdown Parade – Proposed restoration of the existing house and the building of 5 further houses. JN to circulate a draft response.

AGM NK would forward the minutes to AK who would put them on the KCG website.

NT undertook to assemble a paper copy of future minutes of each meeting in an appropriate file.

A majority decision indicated a preference to increase the annual subscription of the Group to £10 per household, although that increase would not be introduced at present. An audit of the membership would be made.

A synopsis of each meeting’s business should written by the minute taker, in order for it to be put on the website.

Next meeting: 5th July 2018 at 12A Kingsdown Parade


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