Local Climate Groups

With the escalation of the Climate Crisis and the pressing need to reduce our carbon footprint and live more sustainably, there is a need to gather a huge range of information, expertise, support and advice. Luckily there are local groups which are tackling environmental issues with newsletters and talks and practical advice.

Green High Kingsdown is our neighbouring environmental group incorporating the houses and flats of High Kingsdown. Over 50% are student lets but the community still gets together to garden and improve facilities in their neighbourhood. https://greenhighkingsdown.com

West Bristol Climate Action (which used to be Clifton Climate Action) are very active with talks and easily accessed information from their website.  It also aims to have practical projects to offer those who wish to make a difference in this ecological crisis. http://www.westbristolclimateaction.org

Sustainable Redland set up the Whiteladies Road Farmers Market with strong links to Leigh Court Farm http://www.sustainableredland.org.uk

Sustainable Bishopston. http://sustainablebishopston.org.uk
