Planning applications
The appeal against the refusal to permit the conversion of the ground floor of the launderette at 1-3 Cotham Road South to residential use was refused some time ago.
07/04779/F – a further application to demolish the Lakota Club in Stokes Croft and to construct a block of flats. KCG opposes the demolition of the Club. It does not oppose the conversion of the building and the neighbouring former Coroner’s Court into residential use. It believes that the conversion could be more sympathetic and requires more work
08/01241/F – an application to build six single bedroom flats at the former King Charles public house in Kings Square Avenue. KCG does not object to the change of use. The construction of two more floors on top of the existing three floors we consider to be is unacceptable.
These planning applications can be seen on the City Council’s planning website where you can file your comments.
The minutes of the AGM, which was held at the Ark in Cotham Road South on 10th March are now on the website
KCG has recently met with UBHT, their contractors, and council traffic officers, to discuss hospital developments. The Council will shortly be consulting on traffic arrangements for Marlborough Hill. They hope to retain the present traffic flows, but with improvements to increase safety and discourage illegal downhill traffic.
When the Heart Institute is completed next February Cottage Place will reopen to pedestrians (and fire engines) The landscaping includes reinstatement of the woodland path and the steps up to Horfield Road. UBHT plans to extend Alfred Parade through planned new buildings to connect with Terrell Street, creating a one-way system for hospital deliveries, without the need for goods vehicles to reverse onto Marlborough Hill.
UBHT has instructed its architects to apply for planning permission to develop four sites – (i) four 4-storey town houses on Kingsdown Parade on the old ambulance maintenance site near the chip shop. (ii) a block of flats on Horfield Road, on the boarded up garden site. (iii) Four houses in the gardens of Rose Cottage at Somerset Street West End. KCG believes these proposals overdevelop these sites. (iv) Four houses in the garden of Somerset House in Alfred Hill. The hospital do not yet seem to have made any significant changes in the light of numerous comments from KCG and local residents, so we may have to oppose the formal applications.
KCG looks for new members to serve on the committee. If you would like to attend a committee meeting to see what we do, please leave a message on the website.
Next Meeting of the committee – is on Tuesday 22nd April. Please email the secretary at se*******@di*******.net about any matter of concern on the subject of Kingsdown.