Present: Andy King (chairman), Mary Wright, Jeremy Newick (minutes),
Bridget Parker, Malcolm Parker, Nick Kidwell, Chris Jones, Tony Kerr Apology: John Frenkel
We discussed plans for a membership drive and a survey to gauge residents’ views and priorities in the late summer.
Launderette. The proposed change of use to two flats had been refused by the Planning Committee, though the owner might appeal. It would be very useful if a potential shop-operator could be found. Future protection for the shops would be stronger if they were specified in the Local Plan as a ‘Local Centre’ so we will pursue this with the Council.
Application 06/00457/F/C, 25 Kingsdown Parade: KCG had written to object, as had individual members.
Kingsdown Wine Vaults: Noise problems are still being experienced, and should be reported to Mark Curtis, Senior Environmental Health Officer, Pollution Control, Brunel House, BS1 5UY, 922 3256 or e-mail:
Proposed closure to through traffic of Alfred Hill: Local residents are undertaking a questionnaire survey of views on possible solutions to their access problems.
Prior’s Hill Fort Flats: Two hawthorns and a whitebeam had been planted.
Replacement lavender bushes on Montague Green: It was thought that the Secretary might be able to pursue the matter.
Unsightly City Council houses and forecourts on the Parade. No reply had yet been received, so this would be followed up.
Mobile Phone Mast – Application 06/01096/F/N, Junction of Cotham Road and Cotham Road South: installation of a 15m pole and 2 equipment cabinets. A letter of objection would be sent.
Application 06/01336/F/X, 146 St Michael’s Hill: demolition of extension and its replacement, alterations to shopfront: JN to peruse and act accordingly.
Conservation Area Character Appraisal: TK, NK & JN would read EH papers and discuss.
“Welcome pack” MW showed the committee an excellent leaflet she had produced on the history of Montpelier. Should such a leaflet be prepared for Kingsdown and, if so, should it be part of a newsletter and put on the KCG website?
Residents’ Parking: It was reported that the city was to employ an outside consultant to consider the prospect of Controlled Parking Zones across the city.
Next meeting: Tuesday June 6th 2006. Agenda items to Helen Phillips at 73 K Parade.