Councillors Mark Wright and Alex Woodman attended the meeting as observers following their re-election and election. The committee welcomed their attendance and their continued interest in the conservation area.
Somerset Street gardens
Planning application no. 07/02347/F seeks permission to build 8 four story houses in the historic gardens that face 23 – 26 Somerset Street. To oppose the application a number of residents have joined an informal group called the Friends of Kingsdown Gardens. Their leaflets describe what is proposed. They are attached to lamp posts. In KCG’s view the proposed development would fail to enhance or conserve the conservation area. It would turn Somerset Street into a dark canyon and blight it. Kingsdown is very built up and has little open space. These gardens have been enjoyed by everyone who has walked down Somerset Street over the last 200 years.
If you want to stop this development write now – every letter makes a difference. Tell the planners why you object to the application. Time is short! Planners will decide after 11th July 2007. Remember to quote its reference number – 07/02347/F. Write to the Central Area Planning Team, Brunel House, Bristol BS1 5UY or email to or log your objection in the Public Access to Planning webpage.
The recent gale split the tree, which stood at the junction of Clevedon Terrace and St Matthews. It had to be felled. Does anyone know who owns this triangle of land? KCG plans to replace the tree.
St. James Priory
Members of KCG’s committee visited the Church. The church has a second north aisle, constructed in the 19th century on the site of the former cloister’s south path. The two aisles are divided by a temporary wall to separate the newer aisle from the Church. There is calamitous damp. It is proposed to redevelop the 19th century extension and to build at the east end to provide meeting rooms, residential accommodation above and a café at the east end. KCG supports the initiative to secure this ancient Church’s future maintenance but has these concerns. Should the 19th century columns that divide the old and new north aisles remain inside the Church or be incorporated into the new accommodation? How can the new construction at the east end be stepped back to preserve for pedestrians the view the ecclesiastical aspect of the east end of the Church?
Lamp posts
The City Council say that they are in the course of replacing/repairing and painting the barriers at the top and bottom of Spring Hill. KCG and City’s lighting street section are now discussing how the two 19th century cast iron lamp posts at the bottom and in the middle of Spring Hill can be made to look as good as the traditional post at the top in Somerset Street, which KCG paid for.
Next Meeting of the committee – is on Thursday the 9th August. If anyone has a matter of concern about Kingsdown to raise, please email the secretary at