Planning applications

Another hospital application

Stick to the policy – keep the gardens

After two recent unsuitable applications – both withdrawn after widespread criticism – the UBHT hospital authorities have now put in a third one, this time to build four flats in the garden of the listed building at 42 Alfred Hill. (Ref: 08/02222/F)

We say: Bristol Council’s Policy is very clear, so let’s stick to it.

The Council’s recently completed Character Appraisal of the Kingsdown Conservation Area sets out a very clear policy: “The many mature private gardens in Kingsdown are an important complement to the general urban character, they also have biodiversity value….Many original gardens have been lost to development on their southern edges. Where they remain, gardens should be presered in order to protect the special interest of the area.” The accompanying map shows the garden as ‘private space under threat from redevelopment’.

You can find KCG’s full response here on the website. Please help to ensure that these plans are rejected. You can find the application details, and make your comment, at

Or you can email the Planning Officer: no************@br*****.uk to say that you object.

The deadline is June 18th – don’t forget!


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