
Committee meeting 14th October – notes

Here are some of the main points of our meeting (very condensed, from two and a half hours of discussion). My apologies for late posting – I thought I had put these on the website but clearly I was wrong. Tony Kerr

We reviewed last week’s well-attended open meeting about the helicopter landing pad, and decided not to oppose the UHB Trust’s application. We will, however, ask for more work to be done on the appearance of the landing pad, and a planning condition to ensure that if the Trust do ever want night flights, then a new application would be needed.

Several enforcement matters are still dragging on, despite continued pressure on the City Council to stick to their own (new) procedures and implement their own policies on unauthorised conversions, parking in gardens, satellite aerials, advertising, etc.

There was good news on several fronts – the very successful second Homegrown Festival, an improved application for the historic St James Priory, chance of replacing ugly lampposts, a new Catalpa tree for the triangle by Clevedon Terrace.

As ever, there are several problems with developments just outside Kingsdown that will have a significant effect on us – 4-10 Stokes’ Croft and Hamilton House nearby, a huge development of student accommodation in King’s Square  and continued discussion of the University’s building plans.

IDEAS PLEASE! As well as all the above, and the usual crop of new applications we’re going to talk about ways of improving Montague Green (more trees? fewer trees? another seat or two?) and how things are going with the AGM’s request from a couple of years ago to try to improve the road junction of St Matthew’s Rd and Clevedon Terrace.

If you want to know more, you can email us or find Committee members’ contact details on the website.

Next meeting is on Thursday 13th November. Any member is welcome to attend for all or part – so get in touch if you’d like to come along.


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