
KCG February Committee Meeting – notes

We met the new owners of the garden below 26 & 27 Somerset St., to hear about their proposal to build an underground house. We will discuss this at the March meeting, after careful study of the Conservation Area Character Appraisal and the reasons why the Planning Inspector dismissed an earlier appeal from prospective developers.

We reviewed recent contacts with the hospital and the university, both of which have now agreed to twice-yearly meetings, which we hope will help us find out about planned developments in time to influence them. Building of the hospital helicopter pad has been deferred for financial reasons; the UHB Trust intends to appeal against the city’s refusal of permission to build flats in the garden of the listed 42 Alfred Hill.

We simply gave up on one or two enforcement matters so that we can concentrate on the most important ones. Sometimes the effort of persuading the City Council to carry out its duties to enforce planning legislation is just beyond us, so we have to be realistic.

We revisited the Group’s objectives in preparation for the AGM, and reaffirmed that our main focus is on planning and heritage matters, but we are happy to support other Kingsdown community activities by making our website available.

Note that the AGM is this Thursday, 5th March at 730 for 8pm in the Ark, followed by a talk given by Madge Dresser of UWE’s  History Department – see

The next meeting is on Tues 31st March, 8pm, at 27, Fremantle Rd. KCG members should contact se*******@di*******.net or telephone one of the committee if there are any items they would like to be discussed.


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