We have prepared a detailed draft response to the University’s latest plans for the Biology and Maths buildings, which have been criticised by both the Bristol Urban Design Forum and the Conservation Advisory Panel. Contact us if you would like to see a copy.
We will object to some aspects of the latest (in a long series) of plans for the Carriage Works in Stokes Croft, including the lack of real mixed use, the large number of small units, the height of the planned tower.
We agreed to make a list of all the old cast-iron lampposts in the area.
We decided not to comment on the latest application for a Jester on Montague Green, but we are going to press for the park to be officially registered as a Town Green (under the Commons Act 2006) to give it at least some degree of protection against unsuitable housing development. A Hedge Working Party is being arranged.
The AGM will take place on Thurs 5th March at 7pm in the Ark, and will be followed by a talk given by Madge Dresser of UWE’s History Department (see www.uwe.ac.uk/hlss/history/staff_mdresser.shtml).
The next meeting is on Tues 24th February, 8pm, at 64, Kingsdown Parade. KCG members should contact se*******@di*******.net or telephone one of the committee if there are any items they would like to be discussed.