
Minutes of 2009-10 AGM

Date of meeting — 7.30 p.m. on Thursday the 18th March 2010 at the Ark, Cotham Road South.

Andy King chaired the meeting. About 50 residents attended, but someone accidentally removed the attendance list and did not return it.

Minutes of the 2009 general meeting had been approved at the April 2009 committee meeting.

Annual report 2009–10 — John Frenkel summarised the annual report of the last year’s business, which was available at the meeting and posted on the KCG website and on the noticeboards. The meeting adopted the report.

The treasurer’s report — Pauline Allen presented the Group’s accounts for the year, which the meeting adopted. Capital payments this year will be provided to support the installation of more box lanterns.

Membership — About 95 households are members.

The 2010/11 committee — The meeting elected the officers and the committee who will be Pauline Allen (treasurer), John Frenkel (secretary), Nick Kidwell, Andy King, Jeremy Newick (Conservation Advisory Panel representative), Helen Phillips, Nigel Tasker, Wendy Tomlinson and Mary Wright. Tony Kerr promised to continue to maintain the website with Pete Ferne. Bridget and Malcolm Parker have agreed to continue as membership secretaries. Committee Members’ details appear on the KCG website,

The committee emphasise that any member who wishes to come to a committee meeting is welcome. The Group needs more committee members to share the work.

The meeting noted that on the 25th March 2010 the Council’s Cabinet will decide whether the Kingsdown Residents’ Parking Scheme will proceed.

The formal meeting then closed to be followed by a presentations first from Craig Bennett from CODA, the architects to UHB about the new Terrell wards and then by Councillor Mark Wright about the devolution of part of the Council’s budget to Neighbourhood Partnerships.

Andy and Lucy King very kindly provided wine and soft drinks for members.


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