KCG News

Summary of the committee meeting 6th October 2009

Councillor Alex Woodman – the committee welcomed Alex to the meeting. The committee discussed these topics him.

Residents’ Parking Scheme

There appeared to have been a lack of information from the Council about the detailed plans for the scheme. Alex said that Highways Officers have assured him that they will meet the informal residents’ group before the next stage is published on the Council’s website. This will give the representative residents the chance to raise the most obvious objections to help reduce the number of revisions. The Council will then consult all Kingsdown residents again. Nick Kidwell will attend the meeting with Highways Officers, expressly to consider the conservation issues, which the scheme involves, such as signs and paint on the road.

Lamp posts

The Lighting Department recently improved the level of our street lighting. However, the Department chose the most utilitarian designs. Other local authorities choose more suitably designed street furniture in design sensitive areas. The Kingsdown Conservation Area Character Appraisal says that the design of all new street furniture must be of a high standard. Kingsdown residents must be consulted the changes that affect the appearance of our neighbourhood. KCG does not want the City to spend more but officers should turn the page in the street lighting catalogue and look at other designs. Alex said that he will discuss KCG’s concerns with the Executive Member and report back to KCG.

Large Rubbish collection bins on Kingsdown Parade

Alex said that this proposal is indefinitely postponed. Any new proposal will involve a preliminary public consultation.

Home Grown

The committee congratulated Helen Phillips for organising the event again.

Green matters

Do you have ideas to improve our local amenities such as benches at view points and planting schemes that KCG can promote to the Parks Department If so, please tell the Secretary.

The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday the 3rd November 2009. If you wish to meet the committee or bring any matters to their attention, please contact the se*******@di*******.net.


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