Green Spaces

Kingsdown Green Spaces

In Kingsdown there are only a few green open spaces for public use. While our streets feel green and leafy there is still a great need for public parks and grassy spaces, especially for those who don’t have outside space of their own.

Our main green spaces are Montague Green (Kingsdown Parade and Horfield Road) and Fremantle Square with the tiny Gravel Triangle on St Matthews Road in between. The main two are Council maintained so that the grass gets mown but they are run in collaboration with us the residents. The Council have always been amenable to suggestions and help from the public.

So there is much scope here for a community gardening group to help maintain and enhance the planting areas making them more attractive for residents and wildlife.  Could such a group extend its concern to our roads and pavements and the street trees and ‘weeds”? Or even help with older residents in private gardens and offer advice on good pollinators for insects and easy maintenance. Or extend their activities to cover adjacent areas that need tree planting?

Green Spaces Gardening Group?

Autumnal work is needed on both Montague Green and the Gravel Triangle but if anyone has more ambitious ideas or would like to help out then please get in touch using our Contact Us Form

Green High Kingsdown ( on Facebook and Twitter)

This community group allied to High Kingsdown Community Association (HKCA ) is concentrating on the greening of the estate. Karen Silence who runs it is passionate about Wildlife Gardening and often holds community gardening sessions for HK residents and local students ( half of the houses in HK are occupied by students ) See calendar for next sessions

Tree Planting in Bristol

Bristol is very ambitious in its goal to plant a quarter of a million new trees in the next few years. It has several schemes  such as ‘One Tree per Child’ or ‘One Tree per Employee ‘ with opportunities for everyone to take part. A list of these are available on Replant Bristol

Avon Needs Trees. (ANTS)

ANTS is a charity specifically targeting the Bristol area to help with flood management, air quality and improvement in public amenity.

Avon Organic Group

This group has regular meetings at The Station (The Old Fire Station ) Silver Street with talks on Soil Biology,  Garlic Growing and more.
