The KCG committee agreed that more community planting projects on Montague Green were a good idea, especially if it were also good in encouraging local wildlife. A mixed hedge of 60% hawthorn and 5 other native species was suggested. 25 metres in total. It has now been agreed with the City Park’s department that we can plant this new wildlife hedge which will run along the wall, parallel to the footpath on Montague Green.
To start this project off, this Sunday, 25th Jan. we will start by taking up a strip of turf, 1.2 metres wide and the 25 metres in length. In February, we will then be ready to plant the 1 metre whips. After which the council has offered to provide us with enough mulch to cover the whole bed and maintain it weed free. Thanks to the City Parks Department for their help and encouragement.
So, weather permitting, anyone interested in helping, should meet on Montague Green at 11am with a spade. Any wheelbarrows would also be welcome. For any other information, phone Helen on 9422922.