Vicky Wright, Community Minister at St Matthew’s, writes:
The Ark Project was recently exploring how the Ark Building on Cotham Road South could be further developed by St Matthew’s and Bristol Christian Fellowship. After further consideration and discussion between our two churches we have decided to ‘pause’ the Ark Project to allow both congregations to focus on other projects that they are involved with.
We will review the vision and plans for the Ark Project in a year’s time. The Ark Building remains under the ownership of Bristol Christian Fellowship and all enquiries for community rental/use can be directed to their office: ad***@bc****.com or 01454 613305
A huge thanks to all those who have been involved in the Ark Project and for those who took the time to fill in the community consultation form. We will let you know any future plans, if, and when, they happen. If you would like to discuss this any further do get in contact with Vicky Wright, St Matthew’s Community Minister:
vi**********@br*****.org 0117 944 1598