KCG News

Helicopter Update – Meeting on Tues Oct 7th, 7pm

Helicopter Landing Pad Planning Application
Open Meeting, The Ark, Kingsdown

Tuesday 7th October, 7pm

The new University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has submitted a Planning Application (no. 08/03522/F): “Provision of air ambulance landing facility to roof of Queen’s Building, together with associated works to include an extended escape stair and lift shaft.” You can read it on the City Council’s website at or at the Planning Department at Brunel House.

The Kingsdown Conservation Group Committee thought that it would be helpful to organise an Open Meeting for local residents. Officers from the Trust  have accepted an invitation to explain and discuss the proposals. They hope also to bring along one or two specialist colleagues with knowledge of the clinical issues and the noise survey.

If you already have specific questions that you would like addressed, please send them, by Friday 3rd Oct if possible, to in**@di*******.net (or put them through the door of 1, Somerset House, Kingsdown Parade – just before Marlborough Hill). This will help us to plan the meeting and ensure that the Trust is able to provide appropriate information, but you can, of course, also raise anything relevant on the evening itself.

We will notify one or two other local residents’ groups that we are in contact with, but if you know of people who should be informed, then do please tell them. Thanks.


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