KCG News

Alcohol service briefing meeting, Monday 17th Nov 7pm

We have just been contacted by Beck Marsh (Business Planning and Development Manager, Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – 0117 3784551), with the following information:

Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust currently provide services from Colston Fort, Montague Place, Kingsdown. The ground floor has recently been vacated and there is a proposal to relocate the Specialist Alcohol Service from Clifton, into this building. The service provides medical assessment and therapeutic interventions including one-to-one support and a groupwork programme. It offers daytime appointments, from Monday to Friday, to service users who are typically referred by their GP. The Trust believes that this relocation will greatly enhance conditions for service users and staff, and improve accessibility for people with disabilities.”

She asks us to extend an invitation to the informal briefing session at Colston Fort (opposite Montague Green) at 7pm on Monday 17th November, to meet key staff, discuss the proposal, have a tour of the premises and view the proposed plans. Local councillors and the High Kingsdown Residents’ Association will also be invited.

There is further information in this Briefing Paper – download as a Word Document: briefing-doc

You can contact Beck at Be********@aw*.uk


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