KCG News

Bee Aware Day this Saturday, 6th June 2pm

Recent publicity about the plight of our honey bees has inspired us in Kingsdown to hold a day of Celebration of Bees. We are lucky to have David Marslen of Bristol Bee Keepers come to give a presentation about the difficulties that bees are having these days, together with a demonstration hive. So you can come to see what is really happening inside a hive here, in and around St Matthews Church. We will also have other hives and bee keeping equipment on show to give you a full picture of the bee keeping world.

To make the day a fun event, there will be craft events such as paper flower making by the Art Club and Bee Hotel Making inspired by Avon Wildlife and Blue Peter. There will be a Plant Stall selling Bee Loving Plants for your garden and hopefully, lots of delicious flower and honey inspired tea and cakes.

If there is anyone who would like to help in any way please contact Helen on 9422922


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