KCG News


On Tuesday the 2nd March, at 7.00 p.m. there is a Neighbourhood Forum for the Cabot and Clifton Neighbourhood Partnership at the Pavilion Harbourside.

The Council has divided Bristol into 14 Neighbourhood Partnerships. Kingsdown is part of the Cabot, Clifton and Clifton East Wards Neighbourhood Partnership; that is 27,000 people.

In April this year, the Council says that it will devolve £11m to the 16 Neighbourhood Partnerships to give local people more say in how their money is spent.

The principal idea is to give residents a greater say in their area in how thee Council delivers its services in their area. The Council hopes that it will benefit from local knowledge to meet local needs more effectively and effectively.

Some councils have had Neighbourhood Partnerships for years. Leeds has 10 year’s experience, Bradford 20 and Newcastle, over 30.

The Neighbourhood Partnership’s councillors will decide how to spend the Partnership’s share of the devolved budget, informed by the local community.

Phase 1 of the devolved services includes budgets for highway maintenance, street cleaning and mini-recycling sites, small traffic schemes, parks and green spaces and a sum for projects specific to the Partnership.

The March meeting will be chaired by Councillor Barbara Janke; our two ward councillors, Mark Wright and Alex Woodman will be there.

Thursday the 18th March, is the date of Kingsdown Conservation Group’s annual general meeting. It will start at 7.30 p.m. in the upper room in the Ark, Cotham Road South. The committee will distribute AGM notices nearer the date.

The next committee meeting will be on Thursday the 4th March. If you wish to meet the committee or bring any matters to their attention, please contact the se*******@di*******.net.


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