KCG News

Committee meeting 10th August 2010 – notes

University Hospitals Bristol Terrell Street and Cottage Place

Committee members discussed with UHB’s management the improvement of the roads at the back of the new ward block to be built behind the Queen Elizabeth Building. Pedestrians and BRI staff use Terrell Street and Cottage Place heavily. There will be more traffic in Terrell Street because when the new wards are finished delivery vehicles will use a one way system. They will enter from Marlborough Hill, pass under the new building, and exit up Terrell Street to Horfield Road. KCG has asked the Council to make a planning condition to require UHB to improve public access and safety in Terrell Street. KCG has complained about the barrier that currently stops cyclists using Cottage Place.

There is no further news about the redevelopment of the Horfield Road or Kingsdown Parade sites or the sale of Rose Cottage.

Residents’ Parking Scheme

Now that the Council has decided to proceed with the Kingsdown pilot Residents’ Parking Scheme KCG wants to see the parking scheme carried out with care and sensitivity to the historic environment. Bristol has two excellent examples of well-designed parking demarcation and management in Queen’s Square and at Temple Meads. Setted streets such as Somerset Street, present a challenge because paint does not stick to stone very well.

Examples of historic towns and cities, where successful schemes are managed without the need for costly and disfiguring yellow lines include Shrewsbury, Wells, Ashford, Halifax, Bury St Edmunds and parts of Bath. These involve “Restricted Parking Zones” signs at each entrance to the zone with repeater signs through the zone and identification of the permitted parking bays. The Traffic Regulations provide that the Zone Entry and Repeater signs make the scheme enforceable. The Regulations do not require yellow lining. The absence of prohibitive lines would remove the confusion about lines outside driveways, and significantly reduce costs.

Fremantle Square phone box

Are there any public spirited Fremantle Square residents who could smarten up the phone box’s appearance?

The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday the 7th September 2010. If you wish to meet the committee or bring any matters to their attention, please contact the se*******@di*******.net.


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