KCG News

Fascinating new(ish) website

We don’t normally recommend websites – though we do have a lot of local links over in the right column – but is so good we just had to say something. It’s much easier to explore it than to explain exactly what it does, but suffice to say that it’s a really clever way of communicating information about streets, buses, cycle-routes etc. and it’s a purely private initiative – no Government grants, consultants, or committees are involved.

Click on a street and the local bus numbers appear. Click on them and the whole bus route is marked, with stops. Same for trains – with the next departure times – and City Car Club locations. Property for sale or rent and – most impressive of all, I think, a Cycling section which is so good the City Council are using it for their £22m Cycling City programme. As well as official cycle routes, it shows those recommended by other cyclists and comments on hazards and suggestions for improvement – all marked on the map.

Do have a look at and if you like it, tell your friends so it gets used enough to keep developing.


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