KCG News

Kingsdown Homegrown

Review of 22nd September 2007
It has been generally agreed that the Kingsdown Homegrown Festival was a huge success. As an event whose aim it was to bring the residents of Kingsdown together and also have a fun time, it succeeded. The Party afterwards attracted over 220 people and was also a wonderful success in this respect, so – Well Done Everyone! – While the aim was not to be a moneymaking event, we are delighted to say that KH made a profit of over £770.

An especially big thank you to St Matthew’s Church for all their help and enthusiasm – and the freely given use of all their Church and its grounds. Thank you also to members of The Ark for their invaluble support and use of their marquees and tables.

The atmosphere of the day was made especially wonderful and relaxed by the numbers of local musicians – The Ambling Band whose jolly pink sounds started us off; The Cut Outs; Better Than Sax and Lu-Ami and her guitarist; not forgetting the evening’s band Gypsy’s Kiss. Thank you to all these and all those who took part in the communal busking later in the afternoon.

The profits of KH have necessitated the setting up of a new Bank Account in the name of Kingsdown Community Fund. This account also holds the profits from the Winter Warmer Party, giving it a total to date of £1185. As promised, we propose giving a donation (£700) to The Joliba Trust for Tree Planting and a Women’s Vegetable Growing scheme in Mali. We would also like to buy a replacement flowering tree for St Matthew’s Church.

Next Year
There will be another Kingsdown Homegrown Festival next year, bigger and better. The date for your diary is:-
Saturday 20th September 2008


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