Note: You can download a more colourful version of this informaion if you right-click or CTRL-click here:kh-08-flier-2.pdf
Evening Party
7.30 – 11pm St Matthews Church Hall
Music, Dancing and Food
With Ceilidh band ‘Jiggerty’ 9pm
Adults £6 Child £4
Tickets available from the St Matthews Church Office tel.9441598 or from Alfred Harris 1-3 Kingsdown Parade
Donations for Stalls
Books Have you any interesting books you wish to pass on? Gardening books; too often read children’s books or a jolly good novel – go on clear a shelf or two!! Leave in shed at No.73 KP the week before.
Plants & Flowers We need your surplus plants and bunches of garden flowers. Please leave at the bottom of the garden of No.69 KP in a pot or bag with its name
Bric a brac ( Definitely not Junk!) Could worthy donations please be brought to the Kingsdown Surplus Stall on the day or for your own stall contact Helen tel. 9422922
Help on the Day Setting out or running a stall. tel Helen 9422922
MUSIC Would local musicians who would like to play on the day please
tel. Ruth 9247098
Fancy Dress Paraders
And the Fancy Hatters, meet at the end of St. Matthew’s Road at 1.30 for the start of the Parade.
This year’s charity is
Friends of Alalay (Santa Cruz)
Come and write messages and make pictures to send to these street children of Bolivia
Exhibits for the Cookery, Gardening and Crafts Competitions need to be handed in to the Church Hall by 12.30.
Judging starts at 1pm