Note: There’s a much nicer-looking version of this info in a Word document here
This year’s fun event will again be held in and around St Matthew’s Church and we hope it will be an even better mix of stalls, competitions, games, music, children’s entertainment and delicious things to eat.
Very much In the Pink, we look forward to The Ambling Band, accompanied this time by their French counterparts Zebaliz, who will loudly start off the day in front of the Fancy Dress Parade at 1pm. For the Fancy Dress Parade meet as usual at the junction of Clevedon Terrace and St Matthews Road in your very best ‘Garden Gear’ whether it is bees or butterflies or flowers or compost bags! Come young and old and join in the Parade.
Sideshows and Games As well as our usual Human Fruit Machine and Whack-the-Rat, we would like to feature more and various games and competitions. If anyone has an idea or would like to organise or help run a stall, let us know. Or maybe you or your family are sporty or competitive? (just a little bit? ) Have you tried a three legged race recently or crazy bike riding? Could we get a street by street tug of war organised? We will need competitors and supervisers for the races.
Stalls and Stallholders We continue to wish to support local ‘homegrown’ talent and businesses as well as encouraging local residents to grow and show and their own produce. If you have a small local business and wish to use the day as a showcase for your work, or support the community, please contact Helen on 9422922. As a sample, these will include delicious tasting delights as the Fruit Kebab Stall; Bishopston Sausage BBQ; The best of Chocolate; Our Very Local Cider Pressing Company (please bring along your spare apples and watch them being pressed); let your children play in the Messy Church tent; find out more about wildlife gardening or relax and have your portrait drawn while listening to the music.
Calling all local musicians. Share your music with us on the day. Contact Ruth on 9247098
De-clutter Your Home with another opportunity for selling all that bric-a-brac. Spaces available at £10 a pitch. So get out a table and sort out all those things you just don’t need!!!!!
We would also like plenty of quality books for our Bookstall – especially those your neighbours would also like to read. So sort out the bookshelves and make yet more room.
And be ready to divide and pot up your favourite garden plants or bring on extra seedlings to share with others for the Plantstall
The Very Posh Teas will again be set up for you to relax and indulge with delicious tea and cake. All offers of help on the day or offers of cakes to sell will be warmly welcomed.
Details on where to leave your donations will be posted on the noticeboards nearer the day. Ffi also contact Helen 9422922
We have a fabulous DVD of last year’s Kingsdown Homegrown, made by Lucia Ashmore and Carmel King. We will be showing it inside the Hall this year as well as other locally made short films.
We hope to put together a Programme and Raffle Ticket to sell before and on the day itself. We are therefore looking for prizes for both the raffle and for the various competitions. If you are able to offer an exciting prize, or wish to sponsor the programme costs, or advertise, or help with the graphic work, please contact below
Further details for all these events will be put up at the beginning of September in the Noticeboards (Clevedon Terrace/ opposite Kingsdown Wine Vaults and the end Fremantle Road/ Kingsdown Parade) and on the website or contact Helen on 9422922
Party in the Evening 7.30 – 10.30pm
We have a locally sourced 4-piece band, EARTH LINGS ready to provide us with exceedingly danceable tunes from a broad selection of world music. Expect a very jolly evening which will get old and young dancing; with our usual fantastic spread of food and drinks. Tickets will be on sale mid September from the Church Office.
The Art Show
Along with a display of old postcards of Cotham and Kingsdown we would like to have a display of new ‘Kingsdown’ postcards. Approx 5 x 7 inches in size in whatever medium – photograph; pen and ink drawing; computer generated. The subject is ‘Kingdown : Wish you were Here’. So it could be it a street scene or it’s people or its events. Be inspired.
Upstairs In the Church
Decorate part of St Matt’s with flowers, feathers and a florish!! Local groups are invited to create an image of your favourite kind of garden, in whatever style. Ffi. phone 9441598 with your group’s name and contact number and reserve your place.
This year we will be supporting a charity in Sri Lanka – Navajeevana which means new life. They offer a new beginning to people who have been physically or mentally handicapped. Just at the moment they are working hard to support adults and children who have been affected by recent conflict, losing anything from physical limbs to family members. Our neighbour Hilary Green from Fremantle Road has recently come back from spending 6 months there, helping them to set up a showroom and develop the craft production of their disabled people. There will be a stall at the fair offering some of their beautiful products.
It’s been a wet year again, but if your seedlings survived
the slugs and snails they should have grown well.
So this year we have:-
The One That Got Away! Not necessarily the
heaviest but the most Unusually Large or Long……
Basket of Mixed Homegrown Fruit and
Vegetables. Variety and presentation are important
Six of the Best. 6 of anything homegrown but all
perfect and identical.
A Show-Stopping Flower Display. Big, Bold and
Beautiful. You will need to bring your own container.
The Sunflowers. Will this year be record breaking?
Not just the tallest this time but also the biggest head.
It’s good to use up surplus produce, especially if
you’ve grown it yourself so whether it’s apples or
courgettes or grapes, share your successes with
everyone by entering:-
Too Much Is a Good Thing The best use of surplus
fruit or veg. in cake or pie or whatever. Please state how
much in weight of surplus fruit etc went into the making.
The Best Victoria Sponge We need only to say
that the tallest is not necessarily the best.
Homegrown Jam No bought fruit please
Homegrown Chutney or Relish Hot and spicey
or something with a difference.
A Lovely Loaf. Plain and Simple or Fancy and Indulgent.
Best Ever Celebration Cake. It has to taste good
but it also has to look amazing and eye catching.
Please could entrants please specify if their cake could be
sold in The Very Posh Teas towards the end of the day.
Last year’s entries were SO good and SO unbelievably creative
(the CD and DVD shows some of them) that every entry should
have a prize. As this year is the 40th anniversary of the Moon Walk,
we thought this should be the theme.
The Minature Garden A Moon garden or
Futuristic Garden. No bigger than the size of a
baking or seed tray please
The Edible Monster from Mars can be
Fierce-some, or can also be yucky or yummy
Five Fairy Fancy Cakes
The Scrap Monster from Outer Space
who just so happens to have been recycled junk.
A Tussie Mussie which is a very small posy of
garden flowers and herbs which look and smell sweet