KCG News

November Committee Meeting Notes

The City has published the draft Kingsdown Residents’ Parking Scheme. The draft detailed design you can find at and the notes to the scheme at This is the summary.

Residents’ Permits

  • Each household will be able to apply for up to two residents’ permits. In exceptional circumstances a third permit may be available.

  • The first permit will cost £30 per annum and the second will cost £80. A third permit, if available, would cost £200 (exceptions for low polluting vehicles).

Other types of permit

  • Each household will be able to apply for up to 100 visitors’ permits a year.

  • The first 50 visitors’ permits will be issued free of charge; the second 50 will cost £1 each.

  • Businesses located within the scheme area can apply for a business permit for operational business vehicles. These permits will cost £100 per annum.

Permit eligibility

  • A house in multiple occupation (HMO) will be entitled to apply for the same number of permits as other households.

  • In practical terms, this means that if a property has been divided into several flats, with each flat having a separate postal address and entrance, then each flat can apply for two residents’ permits and 100 visitors’ permits.

  • However, a large property that is shared by several people but only has one postal address, main entrance and shared amenities will be counted as one household. They will thus only be eligible for two residents’ permits and 100 visitors’ permits.

Types of parking within the scheme

  • The majority of parking spaces will only be available for use by residents and other permit holders (eg visitors and businesses) during the operational hours of the scheme. These parking bays are shown in orange on the scheme design drawings.

  • A small number of Pay & Display bays have been included in the scheme to provide short stay parking for people who do not have a permit, eg people visiting shops or other local facilities. Permit holders will not be able to park in these bays without a Pay & Display ticket. These bays are shown in pink on the scheme design drawings.

  • To provide maximum flexibility, some shared use bays are also proposed. These will be available for use by permit holders and people displaying a valid Pay & Display ticket. These bays are shown in blue on the scheme design drawings.

  • Existing advisory disabled bays within the scheme area will be replaced with new mandatory disabled bays where required. These bays can only be legally used by Blue Badge holders and are enforceable

The Scheme’s operating hours

Parking will be restricted Monday to Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

How to comment

Comments are welcome at re*****@br*****.uk or 9224999.

What happens next?

The plans will be on the website until the 6th December 2009. The Council ask for comments and suggestions and are willing to make adjustments. Officers will then review the scheme and incorporate any amendments. The revised scheme will then be sent as a statutory consultation process to all those within the area who would be entitled to apply for a parking permit. If a majority are then in favour, the scheme be implemented.

The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday the 1st December 2009. If you wish to meet the committee or bring any matters to their attention, please contact the se*******@di*******.net.


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