KCG News

Our Kingsdown in 2017

The committee of the Kingsdown Conservation Group would like to wish all residents a Very Happy and Positive New Year.
 Here are a few of the topics we discussed and acted upon in 2017:
1. Bristol University’s proposal to close Tyndall Avenue to all vehicles. The committee of the KCG would like the University to consider a Shared Space option instead, which means that pedestrians and vehicles share the road – with the right planning this works really well, as in Exhibition Road, London. The University plans to redirect the traffic – even buses – down narrow St Michael’s Park. This application is open for comment until January 10th on the BCC Planning website.  Application Number 17/06169/F 
2. The Old Building of the BRI. The Chapel has now been listed by Historic England. Although this scuppered the proposed planning application by Unite, there is some doubt over whether permission to clear the site still exists. We await new events.
3. St Michael’s on the Mount.  There are plans to re-use the building as a community space.
4. Thefts of our pennant stone paving happened in October. We’re open to ideas on how to safeguard our pavements.
5. The triangle garden at the west end of St Matthew’s Road suffered the loss of its Catalpa tree in the high winds. We hope to plant a more robust tree (or trees) in the new year.
6. Due to threatened budget cuts there is uncertainty about the maintenance of our Parks and Green Spaces. We need to discuss how much help the community can give to the care and maintenance of our streets and open spaces, and who should organise this.

1 comment on “Our Kingsdown in 2017”

It’s helpful for me to know KCG’s views on local issues on a regular basis. My responses to each of these has been pretty similar.
For my part, in addition to these, I have been working with Cotham School’s marshalling of students through Kingsdown, responding to constituents concerns about changing times for the KN RPZ operation under pressure from new charges in the Central parking zone, brokering Local working arrangements as street weed killer was brought back after the trial, maintaining the pressure on better street and waste management and dealing with a lot of casework, much of it concerning anti-social behaviour. Of a more general nature, I led the charge to find a better way to sustain our libraries and have set up initiatives to green landlord-maintained front gardens and improve distribution of unused food from supermarkets and much more.
If any of your members have any concerns or projects with which I may be able to help please ask them to contact me on cl****************@br*****.uk or 07833484344.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy and positive 2018.
Cllr. Anthony Negus

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