KCG News

Residents' Parking Scheme – Analysis of proposals

Most KCG members will be aware that the City Council has produced several proposals over the last 20 years, variously referred to as Controlled Parking Zones, Resident’s Parking, Permit Parking, and no doubt several other designations. As the KCG membership was quite strongly divided on the principle of whether there should be some kind of parking scheme for Kingsdown, the Committee maintained a neutral stance on that specific point. However, once the Council decided that some kind of scheme would be introduced, the Committee felt that it was important to ensure that as many residents as possible were able to study, analyse and comment on the detail of the current proposals.

Several residents have been considering the Council’s latest suggestions, and the Committee has invited those known to it to make their thoughts available to a wider audience through the website. We do not wish to start, or encourage, campaigning, but we do want to promote balanced discussion so that residents can make an informed contribution to the more formal consultation which we understand is planned by the Council. We realise that to some extent we are taking a risk, as we do not have the resources to support an extended discussion or to edit contributions significantly. However, we are confident that contributors will maintain a balanced and tolerant approach. Anyone who is happy to supply their contact details is free to comment on the contributions via the ‘Comment’ facility below this item.

Here, then, are two contributions which we have received to date.

David Mellor (52 Kingsdown Parade): I am the contact for a group of Kingsdown residents – largely on Kingsdown Parade because KP is badly affected by current proposals.  The attached note sets out our position, our intention being to raise awareness and to work for a scheme which doesn’t seriously disadvantage some (particularly those on KP without garages).

David’s note can be downloaded here: David Mellor – Letter to residents 14.11.09.

Professor David Thomas, Chair of the Prior’s Close Residents’ Association, has also produced a discussion paper, which can be downloaded here: David Thomas – Kingsdown RPZ discussion doc


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