KCG News

Santa lowering his sack of presents

Yet again, Santa Claus picked Kingsdown for the first stop on his world-wide present-delivery round because there were no naughty children in the area. In defiance of all health and safety rules, he landed on the roof of 12, Kingsdown Parade with a large sledge and a full team of reindeer. After listening to the traditional carols, sung by a crowd of fairly merry local residents, he lowered his sack of presents before flying back off to Lapland.

Mr Claus said “I’ve been coming here for 25 years now, and all that time people have been telling me there will soon be a Residents’ Parking Scheme but nothing seems to happen so I just stick the sledge on the roof and hope for the best. Maye next year……?”. Don’t count on it, Santa.

More photos of the carol-singing here


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