KCG News

Street attacks Update

Please let me know if you do NOT want this level of detail on the website and email update. I’m trying not to pass on things you might see just as more junk in the in-box, but I thought you would want to know the following. Feedback is always welcome – use the Contact Us link. Thanks. Tony Kerr, KCG webstie dogsbody.

Graham Syrett from neighbourhood watch reports:

Firstly, I mentioned some while back that someone had been arrested back in December regarding the street robberies (“muggings”) that had been occurring in our area. That person has been “out of circulation” since their arrest and it’s interesting and encouraging to note that there have been no further robberies since his departure from our local scene. Long may this continue.

Secondly, I stated recently that someone had been arrested regarding the local con whereby someone called asking to borrow an electrical extension lead and went on to swindle people out of cash. That statement still stands but I thought that you might fiond the following brief history of interest and enlighten us all about the difficulties under which our local police sometimes labour!

The man in question was arrested on 7th January. He was already known to the police because of many previous similar offences.

Unfortunately he was released on bail and continued with his deceptions.

He was arrested again on 11th January and then unfortnately released once more. He was then arrested again on 15th after being positively identified by three witnesses. The police are still receiving reports from other victims. There is no doubt that there may be more cases that have not been reported.

Thankfully, he was remanded in custody after this last arrest and appeared in court 16th January charged with 25 offences of deception.

I’m trying to find out if a custodial sentence has been imposed – or not!?


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