KCG News

Street crime update from PC Durbin

On 16/12/07 at 0800 hrs the following described male knocked on a door in Sydenham Rd, stating he had moved in four doors down and was having problems with his electricity, asked to borrow an extension lead, and when offered one, said it was too short !!!! So he was offered cash !!!!!!!!!!! And got £10. Funny enough he did not return , to pay back the money !!!!!!!!

Please make everyone aware, as this could escalate, like last time !

Asian male, slim build 5′ 8″ plus, thin beard around chin area, wearing a woolly hat, gave his name as Hussain.

Unfortunately there was another robbery, on 16/12/07 on St Michaels Hill, at 00.30, but with a different method used. Two males involved, male victim, threatened with a knife.

1. B/M late 20s early 30s, short black hair, silver/gold front tooth, wearing a black jacket and jeans.

2. W/M mid 20s wearing a dark jacket, white hoody underneath, short light hair.

Took mobile phone, and wallet, threatened male into giving them his pin number (false one given). Card used later at Tesco Eastville suggesting they may have had a vehicle.


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