KCG News

Summary of the committee meeting on the 14th September 2009

The Heart Institute
The official opening will be on the 12th October.  The Institute is nominated for three better Health Care Awards – for the building – for its internal design and for its art work.

Alfred Hill
Apart from the installation of three new lighting columns, this work is complete.

Woodland walk
The planting scheme, which will include wild flower seeds, will be carried out in the next few weeks.  There will be plants on the earth banks at the bottom of Alfred Hill.  KCG has asked UHB to tidy the entrance at Marlborough Hill car park.

Bedford Hill steps
Temporary timber treads will replace the steps.  UHB wants to divert the right of way lower down the hill when the new Terrell Street wards are complete in 2013.

Residents’ Parking Scheme – still nothing new to report.

Lamp posts
Because the Lighting Department won’t answer Kingsdown Conservation Group emails, it has asked Councillor Alex Woodman to support its proposals to review lamp post design in Conservation Areas.

9, Kingsdown Parade
The Planners support KCG’s request to make the developer finish the street frontage of the ground floor and to comply with the conditions of his planning permission.

The Boiler House Southwell Street
Well done UHB for the boiler house (No. 40) improvements.  But, what about the scruffy appearance of the Southwell Street, which lets No. 40 down?  UHB says that it will ask Western Power Developments to remedy the scars in Southwell Street caused when they installed the high voltage electrical infrastructure.

KCG has asked UHB to replace the tatty cross bar and chain, which also let No. 40 down.  KCG has asked UHB to install the bollard system in Southwell Street that it has installed in Cottage Place.  The barrier crowds large numbers of pedestrians and cyclists close to the car park entrance, which is dangerous because drivers often drive out too quickly.

UHB still waits for the Planning Department’s response to its application to extend its temporary planning permission.
King David Hotel is landmark building.  The Sea Horse is an unlisted building of merit. They both need serious external maintenance.  KCG asked UHB to clean and repair them.

University Biological Sciences and Mathematics buildings
The University has not yet decided to move to the next stage of the construction of these buildings.  The University must complete a construction contract before it can demolish the standing buildings.

The University has postponed the redevelopment of the Hawthorns and all subsequent phases of its Masterplan.  The University maintains its aspiration to redevelop the Drama Department but this too is postponed.

Public Art
On the 5th October, as part of its commitment to public art the University will unveil a sculpture by Jeppe Hein in Royal Fort House gardens.

Signs signs signs
KCG asks the Bristol University and UHB to declutter and to rationalise their signage.  There are eight separate signs at the bottom of Marlborough Hill.  There are 11 at the Royal Fort entrance.  Can you read and remember them all, at the same time?  It would be nice to see the end of “sign writer’s archaic” language.

Clarence Place
The Planning Department has supported KCG’s request to Somerfield not to use Clarence Place as a service area.  The unauthorised street advertising is removed and the delivery trolleys are now (mainly) inside the shop.

Graffiti removal
Notify Waste Services & Street Scene Department by telephone as soon as a graffiti attack happens – tel. 922 2100.  Ask for a reference number for your call.  Electronic requests for the Bristol Clean and Green Team to remove graffiti can be down loaded from the Council website at     of from the KCG website at  Nigel Tasker at Alfred Harris keeps paper graffiti application forms and freepost envelopes.


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