KCG News

Alcohol service relocation meeting

As previously agreed, Beck Marsh from the Alcohol Service has been in touch again (thanks for remembering, Beck), as follows:


Dear all

During the planning process for the Alcohol Service’s relocation to to Colston Fort, it was agreed that we would continue to meet with local residents on a regular basis. It is hoped that six-monthly meetings will enable issues to be discussed and any problems to be addressed at an early stage. We would, of course, welcome communication at any time.

The first of these meetings is scheduled for Wednesday October 21st, from 6-8pm, on the ground floor of Colston Fort. Please pass on this information to anyone who might be interested in coming along.

I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance at this meeting, and suggest any items for the agenda, to me by Wednesday 14th October.

The Colston Fort address is:

Bristol Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service
1 Colston Fort
Montague Place

Looking forward to seeing you in October,

Kind regards

Beck Marsh

email address Be********@aw*.uk">here


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