There will be an important Planning Committee meeting to discuss Unite’s proposal to demolish the historic BRI Old Building and the Mortuary Chapel on Wednesday 27th September. [NB this date now CORRECTED]
We encourage people to attend this meeting to show how strongly we object.
Statements can also be delivered in writing or be addressed at the meeting – see protocol in the final paragraph below.
Application no. 17/02413/F Old Bristol Royal Infirmary, Marlborough Street. Bristol
Proposal: Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a part 7, 8 and 9 storey building fronting Marlborough Street, comprising 715 student bedspaces; communal areas…..(please see application for full details of proposal)
This application will be considered by the Development Control Committee B at its meeting on. Wednesday 27 September 2017. The meeting will take place in City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR starting at 2pm, although it is not possible to say when this case will be considered.
Please note the applicants have now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate on the grounds of “non-determination” (failure to make a decision within the statutory timescale). The Committee will be meeting to consider its case at appeal. This committee may be webcast. Please go to website to find out more.
From the Wednesday before the committee date, a copy of the officer’s report and recommendation can be viewed with the planning application documents (or ).
Whilst the report will have a recommendation to either grant or refuse permission, it is important to note that the recommendation does not mean that the decision has already been taken, as the decision now rests entirely with the elected members.
You have a right to attend the meeting, and you are able to make a statement to the committee, subject to advance notice being received. Further information on making a statement is contained in the leaflet titled “Having your say at Bristol City Council’s Development Control Committees”. Please note that the statement should be sent to the Democratic Services Team by 12 noon on the day before the committee meeting and not the case officer.
1 comment on “Proposed Demolition of Old BRI Planning Meeting”
24th September is a Sunday. Wednesday 27th September?